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 getvect()               Get Interrupt Vector Entry

 #include   <dos.h>

 void       interrupt(*getvect(intr_num))();
 int        intr_num;                    Specific vector

    getvect() gets the four-byte address that is the interrupt vector for
    one of the interrupts (0 to 255) built into MS-DOS.  The vector named
    in 'intr_num' is interpreted as a far pointer to the corresponding
    interrupt function.

       Returns:     The 4-byte value representing the address of the
                    interrupt function pointed to by the interrupt vector
                    in 'intr-num'.

   Portability:     MS-DOS only.

   -------------------------------- Example ---------------------------------

    The following statements get the address of the control-break
    interrupt handler.

           #include <dos.h>     /* for getvect */


              void (*ctrl_break)();

               ctrl_break = getvect(0x23);

See Also: disable() setvect()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson